How To Set Margin On Word 2016 For Mac

This video demonstrates how to set margins in a Word document. This video demonstrates how to set margins in a Word document. In this step-by-step video guide, we walk you through formatting a paperback manuscript in Microsoft Word. The information is specific to the 2016 version of Word, but the steps are similar in most versions. See our separate guides for formatting a paperback in Microsoft Word for Mac and Pages for Mac. Set paragraph margins in Pages on Mac. You can adjust the margins for specific paragraphs to indent them from the document margins, and change the indentation of the first line of each paragraph. To set margins for the whole document, see Set document margins.

The ruler in Word 2016 displays horizontally across the top of your workspace, and can be used to align text, graphics, tables, and other elements in your document.

To display the ruler if you can’t already see it, go to the View tab and make sure that Ruler is checked (in the Show group).

Similarly, you can hide the ruler in order to make more room for your document by unchecking the checkbox.

How To Set Margin On Word 2016 For Mac

Even if you have Ruler checked, you will not see it in Read Mode, or Outline View. However, it will be displayed in all the other views.

Ruler Unit Of Measure

How To Set Margin On Word 2016 For Mac Os

How To Set Margin On Word 2016 For Mac

But what is the ruler’s unit of measure, I hear you ask? Is it centimetres or is it inches? To find out, and also to change the ruler’s UOM, click File > Options > Advanced, and scroll to the Display settings. The Show measurements in units of selector displays the units currently being used by the ruler (and everywhere else in the document).

How To Set Margin On Word 2016 For Macbook Air

You can change the UOM to any one of:

  • inches
  • centimetres
  • millimetres
  • points
  • picas

Make your selection and then click OK.