Turn Off Search Pane In Word For Mac

Microsoft Word 2010 enables you to move around your document through different ways. You can use Navigation Pane to find word,objects and text in your document. Also, you can directly jump to specific page and headings. Below screenshot shows you how to use navigation pane.

There is a setting for this behavior in Word that is on by default. To turn off this setting and avoid replacing selected text with what you type, click the “File” tab. Click “Options” on the left side of the “Info” screen. On the “Word Options” dialog box, click “Advanced” in the left pane.

  1. If your Mac has a Touch Bar, you can set an option to show typing suggestions in the Touch Bar. Note: To have the first word of a sentence and proper nouns (such as, California or Tim) automatically capitalized as you type, select the “Capitalize words automatically” checkbox in the Text pane of Keyboard preferences.
  2. To turn an object upside-down, select Flip Vertical. To create a mirror image of the object (except WordArt), select Flip Horizontal. If you don't see the Drawing Tools or Picture Tools Format tabs, make sure that you've selected a text box, shape, WordArt or picture.
  3. Drag the divider line to the right until the preview pane disappears. In earlier versions of Mac OS X or if the classic mode is enabled in El Capitan Move your cursor to the divider line between the bottom edge of the message list and the preview pane. Drag the divider line down until the preview pane disappears. To re-enable the preview pane.

1) You can open the navigation pane by just clicking on the button in the editing group right at the home tab. Although you can use the shortcut key by simply pressing the combination of CTRL + F keys we have shown this in below screen image.

2) By default, the navigation pane opens up at the left side of Microsoft word. You can enter the text in the edit box you wish to find. Word shows the matching results automatically. You will find a small thumbnail display for every occurrence found in your word document. You need to click on the particular thumbnail in order to jump to that occurrence. Word temporarily highlights the occurrence. This feature allows you to spot the text you are searching. Same scenario is shown in below screenshot.

Turn Off Search Pane In Word For Mac

3) You can search word document elements and objects, such as tables, equations, graphics, and endnotes, etc. To perform this task, you need to press down arrow on the right side of the search edit box. So, under the find you need to type the object you want to search as shown below.

4) There are many options by which you can customize the find. In order to set these options, you need to click on the down arrow to the right side of the search edit box.

5) A dialog box appears. You can check the boxes in order turn off or on your particular options. Click on the As Default and then press OK you don’t want specific options to turn on or off.

6) You can use the down arrow in order navigate to specific phrase or word. Whereas, the up arrow can take you to the last search results in the whole document. You can find it in below screenshot.

7) You can also jump to the various sections of your document in case if you have used some built-in styles such as headings, etc.

8)In order to display thumbnails of all the pages in your word document, you need to click on the next tab to the right.

9) If you would like to use the classic find, then you need to click on the down arrow to the right side of search edit box and choose advanced find from the dropdown menu. We show you in the below screenshot.

10) Word 2010 allows you to select to find certain types of formats including some text formatted phrases with unique fonts and paragraph styles. By simply clicking on the special button, you may search various special marks and characters. However, you can use the replace tab instantly using the same drop-down menu access through navigation pane that will opened the find tab on the find and replace dialog box.

11) If you want to jump to particular section or page number, you can go to tab on find and the replace dialog box will allow you to do this.

12) You can close the navigation pane by clicking on the down arrow as shown in below screenshot. Also use that menu to resize and move the pane.

In word 2010, Microsoft has improved the features related to navigation and search by making it much easier for user to move around the document and find various elements, such as text, special characters, and styles.

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Have you ever heard of Word’s Navigation Pane? It’s a sidebar you can view on the left of your document that allows you to move more quickly through your Word document. Use it to browse your document by Headings, Thumbnails, and Searching for words. To turn it on using a PC, go to the VIEW Tab and put a CHECK in front of NAVIGATION PANE. On a Mac, go to the VIEW menu and highlight SIDEBAR, then select any of the choices there.

Browse by Headings

To browse by Headings, you need to format your sections using the Styles gallery, using the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 styles. Once you’ve applied this organizational formatting, the FIRST VIEW in the Navigation Pane becomes a list of your sections and subsections.

A tiny triangle appears before each heading level that has subsections. Click on the TRIANGLE to expand and collapse the list. Second-level headings are slightly indented.

Click on the HEADINGS to jump to that section. On a PC, use the UP AND DOWN arrows to skip from section to section. Click and drag the SECTION BARS to rearrange the document. Much faster than cutting and pasting!

The PC version of Word also allows you to instantly change between Heading 1, 2, or 3 styles, and change the section’s indent. Right-click on a SECTION and choose PROMOTE or DEMOTE.


Navigate by Thumbnail

Thumbnails show tiny previews of each page so that you can jump around by appearance.


On a PC, click on the SECOND Tab to see a picture of each page (on a Mac, it’s the FIRST button).

Turn Off Search Pane In Word For Mac Download

Click on the PREVIEWS to move from page to page.

Locate Using Search

Click on the THIRD Tab for a SEARCH BOX. On a Mac, it’s the FOURTH button.

Turn Off Search Pane In Word For Mac Free

When you type in A WORD OR A PHRASE, all occurrences become highlighted in yellow, and are listed in the Navigation Pane along with their context.

Click on EACH MATCH or use the UP AND DOWN ARROWS to visit each one.

On a Mac, you can also use this pane as a Find and Replace tool!

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Turn Off Search Pane In Word For Mac Computer

For the complete collection of time-saving tips and tricks, buy my book, Microsoft Word 2010 Tips & Tricks. Available in eBook, iBook, Multi-touch, and paperback versions.