What Is An Mst File

Vr Mapping



Mst In (MstIn)

File Extension MST (.MST ) - Information. Description: MST is the file extension for the Windows Installer transform file. It is also the file extension for Microsoft SDK setup script file. Remember this file is used to install and UNINSTALL applications. Files that contain the.mst file extension are used by the Microsoft Windows operating system to customize the installation settings for Microsoft Windows Installer.

Type: Translator

See Also: Mst Out (MstOut)

Translates MST (Microstation Translation Format) files toVrOne files.


VrOne translates files to and from Microstation using a neutral file. This allows both programs to read and write map data using their internal libraries. This results in a more flexible and accurate translation.

When translating from VrOne to Microstation, the MstOut application is used to translate VrOne vector data to an Mst neutral file. The MDL (Microstation Development Language) MstIn program is used in Microstation to read the Mst neutral file and create a design file.

When translating from Microstation to VrOne, the MDL (Microstation Development Language) MstOut program used to translate Microstation vector data to an Mst neutral file. The VrOne application MstIn is used to translate Mst neutral file to the current VrOne file.

The Microstation MstIn and MstOut software must be downloaded from the Cardinal Systems web page and installed in Microstation. Please see “MSTIN and MSTOUT Microstation MDL programs” for more information.

Detailed Description

The MST format was defined by Cardinal Systems to allow accurate translations between VrOne and Microstation. MST files may be read into Microstation using the MstIn MDL program supplied by Cardinal Systems. The MST file format is ASCII based and supports all VrOne entity types and their equivalent Microstation entity types. The MST format is only used to transfer to and from Microstation. If you need to convert to other programs, please look at the DxfIn and DxfOut translators.

While the MST format was designed to make translation from Microstation as accurate as possible, there are some basic differences between Microstation and VrOne entities that present some problems when translating. The following sections will give an overview of how each VrOne entity is translated from Microstation. Detailed descriptions of each entities translation parameters will be given after the overview.


VrOne Symbols may be translated from Microstation Normal or Shared Cells. VrOne stores all symbols in a symbol library. When a symbol is placed in VrOne, a graphic pointer is stored which indicates what symbol should be displayed. The actual entities that make up the symbol definition are only stored in the symbol library. To translate cells, a cell cross-reference table is used that maps each Microstation Cell name to a VrOne symbol and radius size. By default, the translator will try to match the Microstation Cell name to an existing VrOne symbol name.


Microstation Arcs, Lines, Line Strings, Curves, and Complex Chains/Shapes are all translated to the standard VrOne line entity. VrOne represents all lines using a single entity type. Microstation styles are mapped to VrOne line fonts using a cross-reference table. Each Microstation style can be mapped to a different VrOne line font name. Curves are translated as lines with a spline display mode.


Microstation text elements are translated to VrOne text entities. All Microstation text justifications are translated accurately to VrOne. Default font mappings are used to determine the VrOne text font to use (see “Auto Cross-Reference Tables” for details).


Microstation points (0 length lines) are translated to VrOne symbols. A single VrOne symbol will be used to represent all Microstation points.

Because of the many options offered by Mst In, you should communicate with your client to discuss the options and determine the best translation method to suit their needs. Time should be spent familiarizing yourself with the options offered and test translations should be done from Microstation to view the translation results. Mst In can translate map data using very basic translation parameters, or advanced translation options may be used to produce a readable and usable map for your client.

This documentation will point out the advantages and disadvantages to many of the translation options.

Microstation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc.


Load Parameters

Loads previously recorded MST In (.msi) parameter file.

Record Parameters

Records current translation parameters to a MST In (.msi) parameter file.

Reset Parameters

Initializes translation parameters to default values. NOTE: Current translation parameters will be lost.

Edit Parameters

Allows editing general translation parameters.

Translate to separate VrOne files?

If this is checked, each MST file is translated to a separate VrOne file. The name of the VrOne files may be specified using the Define Mst file names dialog. By default, the VrOne filenames are the same as the base names of the MST files. If a VrOne file does not exist, it is created using the Target scale and Units specified below.

Target scale for new VrOne files (1:n)

Target scale to use if new VrOne files are creating when using the Translate to separate VrOne files option.

Units for new VrOne files (1:n)

Units to use if new VrOne files are creating when using the Translate to separate VrOne files option.

This setting is stored in the VrOne file for informational purposes only; it does not change how the translation is performed.

Default VrOne Layer

Specifies layer in which to place entities whose level is not found in the levels cross-reference table.

Default VrOne line graphic pointer

Specifies line font graphic pointer to use for lines that have a style not found in the styles cross-reference table.

Default VrOne symbol graphic pointer

Specifies symbol graphic pointer to use for symbols not found in the symbols cross-reference table.

Modify VrOne pen table?


Specifies whether to change the VrOne pen colors in the current pen table to match those active in Microstation when the MST was created.

VrOne symbol graphics pointer for Microstation points

Specifies symbol graphics pointer to use when translating Microstation points to VrOne symbols. Microstation points are 0 length lines.

Symbol size for Microstation points (in|mm)

Defines in inches or millimeters (depending on VrOne file units) size for symbols that are translating from Microstation points.

Import database links to feature codes?

Specifies whether database links found attached to Microstation entities are translated to VrOne feature codes. While Microstation can store multiple link items per entity, only one link can be translated and it must be specified in the field below.

Import link item number

Specifies the item link number to translated if “Import database links to feature codes” is on. The first link item is 0.

Error file name

Defines file name to which, if any errors occur during the translation, the details of the error are written. If left blank, no error file will be created.

Define Mst file names

Allows all MST input files to be selected. Also allows a VrOne output file to be defined for each input file. Looks for files with an extension of .MST by default, but will attempt to read in any files chosen.

The VrOne output filenames will only be used if the 'Translate to separate VrOne files' option is on.

NOTE: The VrOne output filenames may be edited in place by the user.

Cross-Reference Levels

This dialog defines the settings for the cross-referencing Microstation levels to VrOne layers. VrOne layers are numbered from 1-10001, and have optional names assigned. The cross-reference table only refers the the VrOne layer numbers. Each combination of Microstation Level, Color, and Weight may be cross-referenced to a different VrOne layer. For example, entities on Level 1 with color 1 can be translated to VrOne layer 20, while entities on Level 1 with color 2 are translated to VrOne layer 21.

Microstation Search Parameters

Defines the search criteria for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are as follows:


Possible Values



V7 = 1-63.

V8 = 64 character name.

Indicates the Microstation level required to match this cross-reference entry.



Indicates the Microstation color required to match this cross-reference entry.



Indicates the Microstation weight required to match this cross-reference entry

VrOne Input Parameters

What Is An Mst File Extension

Defines the VrOne input settings for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are as follows:


Possible Values

Wildcard – Description


VrOne Layer


-1 – Translated to the same layer as the Microstation level number. If a name is used for the Microstation level, then used default layer.

VrOne layer to place entities that match this cross-reference entry.

Cross-Reference Styles

Defines the settings for the cross-referencing of Microstation Styles to VrOne line fonts. Each Microstation style may be translated to a different VrOne line font. The line fonts are specified by name, so the translation is dependent on having the correct symbol file loaded with matching names in VrOne.

Microstation Search Parameters

Defines the search criteria for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are as follows:


Possible Values

Wildcard - Description



All, 0-7, Name

All - Indicates that all cells will match this cross-reference.

Specified the Microstation style name required to match this cross-reference entry.

VrOne Input Parameters

This section of the dialog box defines the VrOne input settings for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are defined as follows:


Possible Values

Wildcard - Description


Line Font

Any valid line font name in the current symbol library.


Specified the line font to assign for this cross-reference entry.

Cross-Reference Cells

Defines the settings for the cross-referencing of Microstation Cells to VrOne symbols. Each Microstation cell may be translated to a different VrOne symbol.The symbols are specified by name, so the translation is dependent on having the correct symbol file loaded with matching names in VrOne.

Microstation Search Parameters

Defines the search criteria for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are as follows:


Possible Values

Wildcard - Description



ALL or Any valid Microstation cell name

All - Indicates that all cells will match this cross-reference.

Specifies the Microstation cell name required to match this cross-reference entry.

VrOne Input Parameters

Defines the VrOne input settings for one cross-reference entry. The parameters in this section are as follows:


Possible Values

Wildcard - Description


Vr Symbol

Any VrOne symbol name in the current symbol library.


Specifies the symbol name to assign for this cross-reference entry.

Radius (ground)

> 0.0

-1 - Indicates that the radius should be the same as the Microstation cell scale.

Specifies the radius in ground units to assign for this cross-reference entry.

Import MSTOUT Cross-References

Imports cross-reference tables from an MSTOUT parameter file. Because the MSTIN and MSTOUT are designed with different style cross-reference tables, this option should only be used as a starting point to creating full translation cross-references. You will be asked to select an existing MSTOUT parameter file, then you will then be given the option to clear all existing cross-reference table before importing the MSTOUT cross-references.

After answering this dialog, the MSTIN parameters will be imported. After an import, you should always check each cross-reference table to verify that the cross-reference items were imported as expected.

What Is An Mst File

Scan Mst files

Scans all Mst files specified in the Define Mst file names dialog and fills in the cross-reference tables for all entities found in the files. This can be a good way to start setting up a translation, as each unique level, style, and cell will automatically have an entry in the cross-reference tables.


Translates the current Microstation file(s) using the current translation parameters into one or more VrOne files.


Starts the browser and displays the current help document.


Quits Mst In and gives an option to save the current parameters.

Quick Translation

The following may be done to get a basic translation of MST file(s) into VrOne in just a few steps. The result is a translation in which entities are translated with layer numbers matching the Microstation levels (unless level names are used), symbols are translated to match the Microstation cell names.

2.Select Define Mst file names and select files to translate.
4.Select Translate

Translation Hints

Speak to the mapping client about the available features to best translate data to their system.
Learn about the various options for translating symbols and line fonts.
First define cross-references using wildcards to cover the broadest range of cases, then add detailed cross-reference entries to handle the exceptions.
Test different options by translating files into Microstation.

Auto Cross-Reference Tables

This section shows how Text Fonts and Color are translated for some standard Microstation settings.

Microstation Font

VrOne Font

0 (Standard)


2 (Fancy)


23 (Italics)


  • Administration Guide
    • Hardware requirements
    • Installation
      • Ansible-based installation on Linux
      • Deploying MiaRec on Amazon AWS (up to 2,000 users)
      • Installation on Windows
    • Update
    • Post-installation tasks
      • Enable HTTPS for MiaRec Web portal
    • Phone system integration
      • Avaya Aura call recording
        • Avaya TSAPI DMCC recording
        • Avaya TSAPI passive recording
      • Avaya SBCE SIPREC call recording
      • Broadsoft call recording
      • Cisco CUBE SIPREC call recording
      • Cisco UCM call recording
        • Cisco active recording (Built-in-Bridge)
          • Configure CUCM
            • Create a route pattern/group for the recorder
          • Configure phones
          • Optional configuration
      • Cisco UCM recording announcement
        • Installation guide
      • Metaswitch call recording
        • High availability configuration
          • SIPREC auto-failover configuration
      • Soft key integration with phones
        • Softkey integration with Cisco 7900, 7800 and 8800 series phones
    • User management
      • Multi-tenancy
    • Storage management
      • Audio file encryption
      • Backup and restore
      • Location for audio files
      • Replication
    • Customization
    • Maintenance
      • Troubleshooting
    • Speech Analytics
    • Screen Recording
      • Generate secure token
      • Troubleshooting
      • Deploy Screen Capture Client with Windows Group Policy
    • Security
    • High availability